Kristi Brooks The Women's Life Coach

Hi, I'm Kristi

My work is driven by a passion for empowering women like you to unlock their inner power and endless potential. I'm here to guide and support you as you chart your own path towards a fulfilling life of purpose, joy, and satisfaction.

Together, we can transform your life.

Through heart-centered coaching, I'll create a nurturing space for you to discover a whole new world of possibilities where you can freely
explore endless possibilities, chase your dreams, overcome obstacles, and build the confidence necessary to bring positive change to your life.

With a focus on self discovery, goal setting and a new way of thinking, I'll guide you in defining your value, help you set achievable goals and practice self-care to nourish your mind, body and soul.

"When you know yourself you are empowered. When you accept yourself, you're invincible."

~Tina Lifford

Your being here tells me this; you're here to seize new opportunities and begin your personal growth journey.

You're geared up to shape the life you've always wanted - designed by your own rules.

I know this because I've walked in your shoes.

Newly divorced and well into my 40's, with my kids grown and leading their own lives, I devoted all my energy to my role as an Account Executive at a Title firm.

It was a thrilling ride, and I was good at it. But six months later, everything fell apart when what I thought was my dream job closed its doors forever.

I felt stuck and painfully alone without a clue where my life was headed.

Then it finally hit me.

I thought being a wife, raising my kids and having a successful career;


At the time, I had no idea what I was really looking for was purpose. All I knew was I was meant for more.

Believing there wasn't anything beyond the life I had always known in my first chapter of life kept me from discovering my true calling; simply put, what I was created to do and the person I was created to be in the second.

Through a lot of prayer and self reflection, I finally discovered the only only person that held the key to my happiness and true purpose

I realized that although it felt like it, my life's purpose didn't end, it just changed. It evolved, and it was all waiting for me to discover!

Changing my way of thinking shifted my entire world. So much so, it led me to pursuing my Master Life Coach Certification.

I began using what I've learned so I could pay it forward serving women like you; on their own journey to get clarity on what they were truly meant to do.

I help women by giving them the tools to crush self doubt and conquer their fear of the unknown so they can go from negative destructive patterns that keep them stuck to confidently step into a life they never dreamed existed.

As your personal Coach, I can help!

Are you ready?

Kristi Brooks Certified Life Coach

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