should you work with a life coach?

Why You Should Work With A Life Coach

You've seen it in the news and have read about it in your social media feed.

It's only been officially around since the early 1980's, but in this crazy, busy world we live in today, Life Coaching is considered the norm as people from all walks of life discover its potential to drive personal and professional growth.

It may have you wondering if you should take the plunge and work with one.

Is it all hype, or could working with a Life Coach be the one of the best decisions you'll ever make?

This post was created to help you discover if working with a Life Coach is right for you by breaking down how they can help you create a meaningful life full of joy and peace.

1. Unlocking Clarity and Purpose

One of the main reasons people engage with life coaching is to get a clear picture of their goals and aspirations. If you're feeling clueless or overwhelmed by the life's possibilities, a life coach can help you quiet the noise.

Think of a Life Coach as your personal guide to help you identify what truly matters to you. Their job is to create an action plan that helps you meet those needs.

2. Establishing Accountability

Anyone can make big plans and create goals, but sticking to them can be a very different story.

A Life Coach is a dedicated partner whose job is to hold you accountable. They'll make sure you remain committed to your goals, offer gentle, constructive reminders of your progress and show you the steps you need to take to ultimately reach them

3. Cultivating Self-Awareness

Life coaching also promotes self-awareness, which is critical for personal development. Through conversation and result-driven exercises, A Life Coach will help you uncover your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and fears. Knowing what those are will empower you to make decisions that align with your true self and help you overcome obstacles that may be in the way.

4. Providing an Objective Perspective

When we're tied up in our own lives, it can be hard to be objective. A Life Coach stands outside of your circumstances and offers unbiased, honest feedback. This fresh viewpoint can bring to light options and solutions you may have overlooked, enhancing your ability to make effective, life-changing decisions.

5. Enhancing Life Skills

A Life Coach can help you fine-tune important life skills like time and stress management, decision-making, communication, as well as aid in understanding and managing your emotions. Learning these skills can help you improve your work and personal life, making you more productive, maintain healthier relationships, and live a life full of joy and happiness.

When is the Right Time?

Now that you understand the benefits of working with a Life Coach, how do you know when you should pull the trigger and hire one?

If you're currently experiencing the following, consider it a sign to move forward:

  • You feel stuck or in a rut

  • You're mourning a death or divorce

  • You're facing significant life changes or in the midst of a transition

  • You're struggling to break bad habits

  • You're unhappy with yourself and/or your life in general

The most important thing you need to know about working with a Life Coach?

It's only as effective as your willingness and commitment to do the work and make the necessary changes. It's a co-creative process, and requires active participation on your part.


Investing in a life coach isn't just about fixing something that's wrong - it's about designing a blueprint for your life and taking action to make it a reality.

It's about pushing past the limitations you've put on yourself, learning how to bounce back from the things you can't control, and developing a deep understanding of yourself that guides your decisions and behavior.

Hiring a life coach is an investment in yourself.

I think you're worth it. Don't you?

Click here to get started today.

Kristi Brooks Life Purpose Coach
Kristi Brooks Certified Master Life Coach

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